Grant County

A Growth Opportunity

Information in this section sourced from seller, Grant County Economic Development website, and Grant County PUD website. Grant County provides plentiful growth opportunities and a booming economy for those currently living and working in the area. The County's popularity is growing with further economic opportunities on the horizon. As profiled, among the major draws are:

  • Booming agricultural industry

  • Low-cost electricity

  • High-speed fiber optic network managed by Grant County PUD

  • Manufacturing opportunities and easy access to transportation

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Grant County has an average of 33 persons per square mile as compared to just over 100 persons per square mile across Washington state (Source: United States Census Bureau, 2010 census).

Location Growth Opportunity

Moses Lake

Conveniently situated about 2.5 hours from Seattle on 1-90, Moses Lake lies 3 miles north of I-90 (two exits benefit this property) and 2 hours from Spokane. The close proximity to Seattle provides businesses with access to the Port of Seattle and Port of Tacoma for import and export cargo and allows for cost-effective daily round trips to the Puget Sound and beyond from Seattle, Portland, Spokane to Vancouver BC.


Moses Lake is at the center of the aerospace industry, agriculture, food processing, data center, manufacturing, and healthcare industries - providing more than 40,000 jobs to the area with a total covered payroll in Grant County of more than $1.5 Billion dollars with an annual wage of $38,895.

Lower Cost of Energy

Grant County PUD operates two hydroelectric dams on the Columbia River providing low cost, readily available electricity to residents and business. Residents pay an average of 4.2 cents per kilowatt hour compared to the national average of 11.8 cents per kwh, with industrial rates lower still.


Big Bend Community College, a 2-year institution, enrolls more than 4,000 students and annually graduates more than 1,300 students with associate and technical degrees. It offers 43 associate degrees and 16 certificate programs in academic transfer and vocational fields. Columbia Basin Technical Skills Center (CBTEC) Vocational School offers programs in specific areas for High School aged students to get training in occupational career pathways to pursue after graduation.